Seeds and weeds aplenty! Spring is a busy time on the farm, here's a quick summary about what we've been up to:
And finally, here is a video of 4 of the baby chicks that have hatched. The first of the chicks hatched on Cinco de Mayo. We have 5 hens sitting on eggs right now so we should have many more soon! Thanks all y'all!
Sue & Mike
Soft Shell Eggs Soft shell eggs can occur in younger chickens or if the chickens don't get enough calcium. The egg shell doesn't form as it is developed and the hen lays the egg with a soft, leather like outer casing. We found 3 of them when egg production started increasing this spring. We increased the amount of oyster shells we put out for them and since then we haven't had any more soft shells.
Oyster Pastures, Cannibalism and Captain Tom's Sustainable farming is all about using what you have on the farm. Currently there are no oysters grazing our pastures. We could consider starting an oyster farm but that seems a bit excessive. We have heard of folks feeding egg shells back to their chickens. That seems a bit like cannibalism, not sure we're ready to take that step! Finally, we could talk to the Captain Tom's Seafood Restaurant down the road to see if they would donate their oyster shells. Of course we would need to consider the time and effort it would take to crush the shells. We only went through 5 pounds in the first 6 months and despite the increase in consumption right now, we might be buying shells for a while, especially at $10 for a 50 pound bag! Gumboze This week we're introducing a new section to the the Ekoze blog. Like the best Gumbo, the Gumboze section will have a little bit of everything, a farm-fact, a story about Sue or Mike or just something random. We promise it will always be entertaining, so check back often!
Have a great week y'all! Sue & Mike " Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia - fear of long words. Who ever came up with this word has no fear of irony! |
April 2024
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